Video Star
Following on from my last blog, looking for venues to showcase my stock, I’m also investigating ways to make it more visible online. As mentioned previously, there is usually at least three times as much waiting to be listed as in the online store.
That’s where video marketing would be useful. Regular clips of what’s going on behind the scenes would give prospective buyers a glimpse of what’s to come. I just don’t like doing it though.
I’ve dabbled briefly with Insta stories, mainly because I knew they’d vanish after 24 hours. There’s no doubt it drove more traffic to my social media and shop sites but at what price? Each time I contemplate turning the camera on myself, involves minor panic and major cringing! It simply doesn’t come easy.
And yet, those accounts that post frequent videos seem to do so effortlessly.
I did sign up to Tik Tok, then left it. I have since been informed that my account has been suspended due to inactivity so there goes my opportunity at viral sensation.
As for Facebook or Instagram Live videos, I can’t even watch them let alone contemplate pushing that live button. There’s something weirdly voyeuristic about them, an uncomfortable feeling of them being aware that you’re watching. What’s worse is when you accidently click a notification that turns out to be a live and then swiftly close it. That must be like someone peeping in and then slamming the door and running off! In the few attempts I’ve made at actually watching a Live I’ve had to leave it early which again seems like giving a big yawn before getting up and going. As for that tentative beginning, where the subject peers longingly down the lens, waiting for an audience, I simply couldn’t do it. I’d have to make up imaginary friends, giving little waves and grinning inanely at my own reflection.
I’m simply not brave enough to put myself out there for scrutiny and I applaud those who do – even if they begin with “So, just jumping on…” Who wouldn’t fall back on tried and tested tropes when it appears that every influencer on the planet kicks off with the same Insta script.
For now I will continue watching and learning from those accounts that seemingly do so with ease and hopefully feel encouraged enough to give it another go. Or I could try alcohol.. 😉
