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Today’s the Day

Finally, after weeks of waiting I received the confirmation in writing from my consultant last week which read; ‘We have now managed to get hold of your scan from Heartlands. This does not show any evidence of spread or abnormalities’. How easy was that Heartlands? At last I have the reassurance and peace of mind I’ve waited for since last November, it’s just a shame that it’s taken so long and couldn’t have come from the team that should have been looking after me. The letter also invited me to discuss how to proceed with my care at an appointment this morning where I will meet for a second time with my new consultant at Burton. This time though, she will be in possession of the facts – as will I which means she can take up from where Heartlands left off. I am still angry and quite upset when I look back on what could have been a far more straightforward and painless experience. It certainly does appear to have been a lack of communication that led to most of the poor care I received from the Heartlands team. However, I still believe that the disease itself, kidney cancer has been neglected as far as care packages go. From the moment I was admitted the uncertainty and neglect were often down to lack of information rather than lack of actual care. Even my diagnosis was a complete farce. I have a list of questions once again, my last list was made prior to confirmation of my diagnosis while in hospital and queried what would be happening. This list has been put together 10 months post surgery and includes questions about why certain things didn’t happen or indeed weren’t investigated. I am 100% sure that the cancer has been removed and there is no spread which is a huge relief and has given me incredible peace of mind. Now I need to establish why I ended up with ongoing back pain and how this can be alleviated. I also intend to ask about diet and exercise which was completely dismissed by my previous consultant. I am no longer leaving my health and well being up to chance and if I can’t ask an expert what chance do I have? So, I will check back in when I will hopefully have the answers to at least some of my questions. I don’t expect the consultant to be in possession of all the answers and I do understand that most cancers are unpredictable, if they knew the reasons why then there would be a better chance of a cure. My first meeting with my new consultant was extremely positive and I am very pleased to have changed to her care so I am anticipating a productive and informative meeting.



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