Tamworth Castle Clothing Repair Workshops
I've repaired clothes in all kinds of places, on street corners, aboard trains, in student union halls and even outside Primark! There...

#StitchItDontDitchIt 2023
We took to the streets of Tamworth once more for our fourth #StitchItDontDitchIt event last weekend (15th April '23). This time numbers...

Mending Matters
Mending is at the heart of my business. The vintage garments that I stock span several decades, averaging between fifty and seventy years...

Sustainability in Business
I've got a couple of exciting announcements to make. Starting the New Year with a pledge to network more, I contacted Sustainable Fashion...

How to Turn Old Clothes Into Vintage Treasures
A step by step guide to how discarded, old clothes become vintage treasures with a lot of care, repair and love.

Talking About My Generation
My business mantra has always been, 'There's Nothing New Under The Sun'. It really has all been done before, especially in fashion, we...

Waste Not Want Not
Sustainable fashion isn't a new concept, upcycling has been in existence far longer than the word itself.

Finders Keepers
You need an assortment of items when sorting through and selling vintage clothing from a selection of old buttons to lint rollers and...

Minding My Own Business
I've not blogged for a while. Work and life have overbalanced leaving no time for writing down the nitty gritty. Running a business from...