Best Letter Day
Since my pain management appointment I have received a letter from the consultant, it is the best letter I’ve had from a hospital...
Pain Management Revelation
A couple of weeks ago I had an appointment with a pain management consultant, something I should probably have had at least 2 years ago....
Time Out
After a 3 week wait I am happy and relieved to say that I was given the all clear by the QE in Birmingham following my latest abdominal...
Catching Some X Rays
This week I went for my annual chest x-ray which has followed closely on from a renal ultrasound and another scan of my bladder area....
For the Record
Today is the anniversary of my fathers death, he died 36 years ago very suddenly of a heart attack. I remember very little about him as I...

Kidney Cancerversary 3 Years
A glance back before I move forward… It’s a longer post than usual but these are the notes I spoke from at the Kidney Cancer Information...